in the
oak tree

by Tommes

What is that up there in the tree?
It is a Monolith, way up there in the Oak tree.
Where did the rock come from?
How did it get there?
What is this about?

This is a menhir in the tops of a large oak tree. Both are symbols of power and strength and together represent my victory over cancer.
The whole thing has everything to do with my fight and victory over Burkitt- lymphoma cancer that started in 2004, when I received the diagnosis.

It meant excruciating chemotherapy during a 9 month long stay in the hospital in which I didn’t get to see my 3-year-old daughter at all. The single only thing that kept me going was my indisputable hope of recovery.
These were hard and trying painful times. However, those who know me, know my stubborn and unwavering will to heal. Ultimately this was what gave me the strength to pull through and defeat the cancer.

„Tommes-The beat goes on“  was the moto of my FB page.

So the following years I began the journey of recovery and strength to finally find my old self again.

Then the shock in 2014 when I was told the cancer had returned, and therefore not the most positive outlook on a full recovery once again.

But I am Tommes!!!, so with my unwavering will and fighting spirit, I needed to do it again to buy time.

While in the hospital I needed to find a symbol, something that signifies my strength and fight against this cancer. The idea alone already gave me strength.

To build a rock, a rock that symbolizes strength and durability, the type of strength and durability I needed to win my fight against this cancer once again.
The following years of rehabilitation I utilized with the help of friends to build and rebuild this Monolith.
So that on July 9th 2022 it would find its place way up in the canopy of a big Oak tree.

On this day, I was surrounded by friends and helpers that very well understood the importance and symbolism of completing this task. In this moment, sitting under the Oak with its Monolith up in its peak, I was proud and very happy.

This double symbolism of Monolith and Oak stood for endurance and strength. The type you need to win the battle against cancer and find happiness in life again.

This is the purpose of my Art work!!!

On this map is a marker that shows the location of the menhir in the oak tree.

The coordinates of the oak tree are:
GMS N 50° 44′ 41.899” O 7° 11′ 38.299”
DG 50.744972, 7.193972
What3Words (w3w): plea.bubbles.envelope

Menhir in the oak tree - by tommes
Leaflet, © OpenStreetMap Mitwirkende

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5 entries.
Meike AhSchneiWei Meike AhSchneiWei wrote on 24/12/2023 at 15:10
Hallo Tommes, deine Hinkelstein-Aktion hat mich tief berührt . Ich verneige mich vor dir, wünsche dir weiterhin ein gutes Leben mit viel Kraft, Zuversicht, Selbstvertrauen und Positivität.
ralf ralf from Callenberg wrote on 18/11/2023 at 22:29
Heute habe ich von Verena die traurige Nachricht bekommen das Du uns verlassen hast. Um einen Freund den ich mehr als 40 Jahre kannte möchte ich nicht trauern, viel lieber erinnere ich mich an Dich.
Jens Gö Jens Gö from Bonn wrote on 13/09/2023 at 18:25
Hallo Tommes, durch Peter erfuhr ich heute von deinem Hinkelstein im Baum. "Was für eine bekloppte Idee!" möchte man meinen - bis man die Geschichte dahinter kennt. Ich ziehe den Hut vor deinem Kampf und gratuliere dir - auch wenn ich dich noch nicht persönlich kennenlernen durfte - herzlich zum gewonnenen Kampf und diesem Kunstprojekt, welches vielleicht auch als solches gesehen werden möchte und das Erinnern verstärkt. Ich hoffe, dass dir das, was ich heute dort gemacht habe, helfen wird. Bleib gespannt - Peter wird auf dich zukommen 😉 Gruß, Jens
verena verena wrote on 20/08/2023 at 11:55
eeeeeeendlich …. deine seite ist fertig👍🏼👍🏼
ralf ralf from Callenberg wrote on 19/08/2023 at 10:46
Hallo, bonjour, hello tommes Ich habe die Gelegenheit den ersten Eintrag hier zu schreiben. Der Hinkelstein ist eine gelungene, schöne Aktion, dazu passend eine nette Website. Lass es Dir immer gut gehen! ralf